My name is Alex Munro

My love of all things sharp and pointy began, as it does for many boys, at an early age. As I grew and branched into the Boy Scouts and martial arts, my appreciation for blades as both tools and weapons only increased.

I trained as a mechanical engineer, but found myself frustrated behind a desk and missing the satisfaction of working with my hands. Later, I found my way into historical European martial arts (HEMA), where I learned a great deal about the history of knives, swords and polearms from my ancestral homelands in Europe. My passion was rekindled, and in early 2016 I sweated my way through grinding my very first knife. Then I made another one, and another oneā€¦

In 2018 I decided this was what I wanted to do with my life, and in 2019 I founded Munro Knife & Tool–and here we are.